Mystery Boss and Minions Box Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs

Boss and Minions Mystery Box

Sale price€23,95

Our new Boss Box is the ultimate game changer, featuring a mystery large boss and two of their loyal minions. Dominate battles and elevate your campaigns with these bold mystery additions.

The perfect gift for the mini lover in your life. Or go one better and treat yourself to the subscription to keep the surprises rolling in. Your players will thank you - or not, when they have to defeat these epic bosses!

Each month's minis will be selected from new releases from our favourite creators and also some of the most iconic bosses of all time. Their minions will be perfectly suited to back them up in a variety of contexts and are sure to give your campaign a challenging edge. We guarantee there will be no repeats, just endless surprises. 

Boss minis will always be large 2" base models.

Minions will both be medium 1" minis. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Samuel Davis
Shipment Damaged when Received

The prints were gorgeous, but roughly half of my shipment was broken when it was received after having shipped internationally to the United States. Several of the pieces had wings that were either broken off completely, or had many of the end tips broken. Two had legs that were broken. Every weapon that was already atached to a mini was broken. I emailed the myth forged support email with pictures and asked what could be done and how packaging might be improved to prevent future damage but did not receive a reply.

Unique and beautiful

The prints for the bosses are beautiful and really great quality and detail. I love the uniqueness they provide to my games as they look way better than the store bought minis.

alana perkins

The boxes are amazing only problem is they take awhile to get to you


Absolutely love this mystery box. It's actually very exciting when it arrives... I haven't been disappointed yet.

Colin Nash
Well pleased

Best box ever