Hi, I'm Steve and this is a picture of the first miniature I ever printed. That was back in 2019 and I've been hooked ever since. I'm a dungeon master and when a friend of mine offered me a 3D printer he was having trouble with, I jumped at the chance to give it a go. A couple of months later I had it printing fantastic minis that were way more detailed and diverse than anything I could find in my local game store. I wanted to make these kind of minis accessible to everyone and so I started an Etsy store, which eventually grew into this website.

From that one temperamental 3d printer on my kitchen worktop, MythForged has become something bigger than I ever could have imagined. I met my now wife, Sam, in 2020 who generously made a new home for my growing collection of smelly and noisy printers in her garden shed... I felt like I lived in that shed for 2 years, putting on prints early in the morning before going to my "real job" then working late into the night once I got home. I can't say I was too sad the day I took this picture when I finally moved out of The Shed. 

Fast forward to 2024 and we now have a purpose built workshop at our home near Brighton, England where we both now work on MythForged as our full time jobs. Sam is the people person, handling most of the customer facing and logistics stuff. I am 100% hands on with selecting which minis to licence, printing and making sure they get to you looking awesome. My 7 year old earns his pocket money on the weekends putting orders into mailbags and sweeping the workshop floor. We really are the definition of a small family business and we cannot thank you enough for supporting us in making this dream come true. 

P.S. The shiny new workshop is still affectionately called "The Shed".