Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Ice Sorceress Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs

Ice Sorceress

Sale price£4.99

Introduce the captivating Human Ice Sorceress miniature to your Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder 2E, or Call of Cthulhu campaigns, a figure of chilling beauty and formidable power. This sorceress, scantily clad to symbolize her dominion over the cold and her indifference to the bite of frost, stands confidently, summoning ice crystals from her hand. Her mastery over ice magic is evident in the effortless way she conjures the elements, her eyes alight with arcane knowledge and a touch of frosty defiance.

The sculpture of the Human Ice Sorceress is meticulously detailed, capturing the essence of her power and the paradox of her appearance. The flowing lines of her attire suggest a grace and freedom that contrast with the sharp, emerging ice crystals, symbolizing the dangerous and untamed nature of her magic. Her stance is one of concentration and control, highlighting her expertise in manipulating the elemental forces at her command.

For miniature painting enthusiasts, this Human Ice Sorceress presents an exquisite challenge. The translucence and shimmer of ice crystals offer an opportunity to experiment with painting techniques that mimic the clarity and reflection of real ice, potentially using gloss finishes or iridescent paints. The sorceress's attire allows for the exploration of light and shadow, playing with the contrast between her exposed skin and the fabrics that adorn her form. Capturing the cold aura that surrounds her can involve subtle shades of blue and white, creating a visual temperature drop around the figure.

Incorporating the Ice Sorceress into your TTRPG sessions introduces a character brimming with thematic potential and narrative depth. Whether she is a powerful ally in a Dungeons and Dragons quest to reclaim a frozen kingdom, a mysterious figure wielding her magic in the political intrigues of Pathfinder 2E, or a key to unlocking ancient, ice-bound secrets in a Call of Cthulhu mystery, the Ice Sorceress adds layers of intrigue and elemental power to the story. Her presence challenges players to consider the dual nature of beauty and danger, inviting them to explore the complexities of magic and its practitioners in a world where power is as mesmerizing as it is deadly.

25mm base. 32mm scale.


This miniature is officially licensed by Arch Villian Games

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