Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs
Eldar Vampire B Miniature for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other TTRPGs

Eldar Vampire B

Sale price€12,95

Behold the Ancient Master Vampire, a centerpiece for any Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder 2E, or Call of Cthulhu campaign. This gargantuan miniature captures the terrifying majesty of a vampire at the apex of its evolution. Far removed from any semblance of humanity, it embodies the true essence of a primordial predator. Its massive, leathery wings are spread wide, poised for an assault that speaks of centuries of lurking in the shadows. The meticulous detail in the sculpting emphasizes the grotesque beauty of its vampiric form, from the sinewy muscles to the predatory fangs.

This Ancient Master Vampire is more than a miniature; it's a narrative anchor for any TTRPG campaign. It could be the ultimate enemy, an ancient evil awakened from its slumber, or a dark deity worshipped by cults and feared by all. Its presence on the battlefield is not just physically dominating but also psychologically impactful, evoking fear and awe in equal measure.

For hobbyists and painters, this miniature is a canvas for creativity. The intricate details offer a challenge to capture the depth of its ancient, malevolent character. Painting this figure can be a journey through a gothic landscape, playing with shadows and highlights to accentuate its fearsome visage and powerful physique.

Incorporate the Ancient Master Vampire into your game and watch as it transforms the narrative, introducing themes of ancient horror, eternal battles, and the struggle between darkness and the light of humanity. Its presence promises to turn any TTRPG session into an epic tale of horror and heroism.

50mm base. 32mm scale.


This miniature is officially licensed by Arch Villain Games

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